加速するグローバルビジネスの世界では、組織のなかで働く人も、個人で働く人も、すべての人に、ビジネスを構想していくスキルとマインドが必要です。従来からあるフレームワークに考え方を固定化されることはもはやマイナスであり、自由な発想で事業のコンセプトを熟考する力が重要です。情報処理を行う「左脳的」能力は今日でも必要ですが、それだけでは十分とは言えず、創作力や共感、喜び、意義といった「右脳的」な特質で、答えのない世界に自ら答えを出していく構想力が求められるのです。「BOND-BBT MBA」が、学んだことを総合し、プランをまとめあげる「ビジネスプランニング」に力を入れているのもそのためです。卒業プロジェクトでは、自分で事業計画を描き、講師陣の指導やクラスメイトとのアイデアの共有を通じて磨きをかけ、最後にBOND大学でプレゼンテーションを行います。いろいろな人の力を借り、アイデアを交換しながら、学習を進められるようにデザインしています。必ずMBAを手中にし、それぞれの分野で活躍してください。皆さんのご健闘をお祈りいたします。

A Welcome from the Vice-Chancellor
Professor Tim Brailsford(BOND大学学長)
As Australia’s first private non-profit university, Bond University is a leading independent university, imbued with a spirit to innovate, a commitment to influence and a dedication to inspire tomorrow’s professionals who share a personalised and transformational student experience.
The ability to meet these aspirations has been delivered in part through a unique and impactful partnership with Japan. Australia and Japan share a long-standing and strong partnership. Japan is Australia’s second largest trading partner – with trade between Australian and Japan of around USD$50 billion per year. There are also almost 300,000 visitors from Japan to Australia each year (of which 20% visit the Gold Coast) and in return Japan is a popular destination for Australians as tourists.
There are bountiful trade, business and economic opportunities between our countries. We share similar ideologies, respect each other and our Governments remain committed to further enhancing our partnership.
The relationship between Bond University and Japan is even more significant, with the University built as a joint venture between Japanese and Australian investors, with a campus that was designed by Japanese architects. We have welcomed students from Japan since opening our doors and many Bond alumni now sit in influential positions in Japan.
The relationship is epitomised by the Bond Business School BBT MBA program , which is a unique (in Australia and globally) program offered by Bond University in partnership with Business Breakthrough in Tokyo. The program offers an executive style MBA for Japanese speakers looking to develop the global capabilities, and their ability to lead innovation and development within their organisations.
This program delivers for Japanese executives the highest possible quality student learning experience through a modern, flexible online environment encased within a powerful set of networking and development opportunities delivered though intensive residential visits at Bond’s world class campus, and through extensive interaction with the Australian business community and with on-campus students.
On behalf of Bond University I look forward to welcoming your participation in this outstanding program – knowing that you will not look back from the knowledge, experience and networks you will gain.

Professor Brailsford is the Vice Chancellor and President of Bond University. Professor Brailsford’s previous positions include Executive Dean at the University of Queensland; Dean at the Australian National University in Canberra, and other senior academic positions at the University of Melbourne and Monash University. He holds a PhD, Master and Honours degrees and is a Senior Fellow of the Financial Services Institute of Australasia, Fellow of the Australian Institute of Management and Fellow of CPA Australia.
Professor Brailsford’s expertise crosses into industry. He has experience on several company boards and government committees. Past Board appointments include the AACSB, EFMD, private investment companies, Queensland Rugby Union and Australian University Sport. Professor Brailsford is also a regular consultant and advisor to industry and government, particularly in the field of investment management and valuation. Clients have included organisations in both State and Federal governments and a number of listed corporations.
A Message from the Program Director
Professor Barry Burgan
(BOND大学 BOND-BBT MBAプログラム ディレクター)
I have had the pleasure over several years of being the Director of the Bond-BBT MBA in Global Leadership and teaching in this program.
This role within what is unique program in the Japanese and Asian context has been a very rewarding experience. It has been running now for over 15 years, and therefore has a solid base and structure, but continues to innovate to meet the needs of current business leaders and aspirants wanting to make their mark in a global economy. I enjoy meeting with alumni from the early years who tell me how important the program has been in their career development. I also enjoy meeting with current students who continually tell me that such study would not be possible without the flexibility in which the online subjects offer access the opportunity to study. But both current students and alumni also tell me overview the critical nature of the opportunity for cross cultural experiences and networking development through the strong and immersive study tours in terms of their personal leadership journey. For me it is a rewarding experience to meet with students from all around the world with an interest in the links between Asian and global markets and see them develop their leadership skills, and also to develop their networks and share experiences with current students and the 1000+ alumni of this program.

Professor Burgan is Director of the Bond-BBT MBA in Global Leadership.
He is also Deputy Dean and responsible for academic direction of all of the Bond Business School’s MBA programs. His research interest and experience is in the area of infrastructure valuation and financing issues, with extensive experience in benefit cost evaluation of major projects and policies, and the application of microeconomic theory at a managerial level; and in applied econometrics. He has extensive applied work in these areas, especially in the role of cultural infrastructure and the creative sector, and has numerous academic publications and has been involved in a number of major academic research projects. He teaches in managerial finance, investments, quantitative methods and applied economics.