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☆TED Talks: www.ted.com/talks
熱狂的なTEDウォッチャーのMr. Andrew Abbeyをファシリテーターに迎え、彼のセレクトしたTalksを英語のまま鑑賞&ディスカッションも英語で行います。BOND-BBT MBA在学生・修了生はもちろん、普段からTEDで英語を勉強している方、TEDが好きな方、英語のスピーキングを磨きたい方が集まり、幅広いテーマで英語のコミュニケーションを楽しんでいます。
>詳細・お申し込みはこちら or Peatixでフォロー
>BOND-BBT TED Talks Discussion Page
Andrew Abbey/アンドリュー・アビー
Andrew is professor at Kenichi Ohmae Graduate School of Business, lecturing to MBA candidates on Global Business Communications. He also works with BOND-BBT Global Leadership MBA students on “Storytelling for Leaders.” He is the co-founder and CEO of Platinum Training Consultants K.K. He has spent most of his working life in international environments, first as an expatriate tax advisor for Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu and KPMG in London, New York and Sydney before moving to Japan in 2002. An enthusiastic TED follower.