豪研会 × BBT Presents
人生100年時代をより豊かにするために、Bondの学びやBondiesの繋がりを生かせるコミュニティへと成長していくためのキックオフミーティングです。約1300名のBond-BBT MBAプログラム生の中から、卒業後の5年、10年、20年、その先を楽しむためのサバイバル術を披露していただく、参加型のイベントです。
参加予定ゲスト │大前研一、門永宗之助
開催場所 │オンライン(Zoom会場)
対象者 │BOND-BBT MBA現役生・修了生
Congratulatory Messages
Dr Jennifer Cronin
President of Bond University Alumni Advisory Board
I am honoured and proud to send greetings for the Bond-BBT MBA programme’s 20th Anniversary, as Global Chair of the Alumni Advisory Board and a member of the first cohort of Bond Business School’s MBA programme in 1989. Having been a Rotary International Exchange recipient to Kariya-Shi, Aichi Ken in 1977, I too value the importance of studying in a different culture and the priceless experiences of being able to contribute to a better understanding of each other through student diplomacy and future proofing our global village.
The BBT Global MBA was established by Dr Kenichi Ohmae in conjunction with Bond University, as a unique, innovative, world-class MBA to nurture and develop a new generation of Japanese leaders and entrepreneurs. It has gone from strength to strength with almost 1300 graduates, who are acknowledged as global thinkers and elite business strategists. We are also grateful for the BBT’s active involvement and meaningful contributions to our loyal Bondy Alumni family, with Yasuhiro Kawane San’s energising representation on the Alumni Advisory Board.
We wish our Bond-BBT MBA every continued success and congratulations on your 20th anniversary milestone, the future indeed looks bright for graduates and the next generation of students!