
BOND-BBT MBA英語セミナー『Bond-BBT MBAプログラムの現地教員が語るStudy Tour-Your Academic Adventure in Australia’s Gold Coast』

BOND-BBT MBAでは、オーストラリア・ゴールドコーストのキャンパスで学ぶ8日間の「Study Tour」を実施しています。修了までに2回の参加が必須で、ビジネスプランの作成をはじめ、ネゴシエーションやプレゼンテーションといった対面での学びが最適な科目に取り組みます。また、現地学生とのディスカッションやチームでのコラボレーションを通じて英語力を高め、多様な視点を身につけることができます。

Study Tour:

今回、Study Tourで開講される科目『Business Planning for Entrepreneurial Ventures』の担当講師Benjamin Hayden-Smith先生より、現地での学びの様子を皆様にご紹介いたします。ぜひご参加ください。



Picture this: studying global business practices on Bond University’s campus, then some free time to unwind on Australia’s breathtaking Gold Coast. In this online session, discover how Bond’s study tours mix rigorous academics with unforgettable experiences. From exploring the iconic Gold Coast beaches to participating in surfing lessons, hiking, and city adventures, Bond’s study tours offer an immersive experience that extends far beyond the classroom. Think sandy beaches, beautiful greenery, and vibrant Gold Coast culture—on top of world-class academics. Join us to learn how a study tour with Bond BBT MBA program lets you combine learning, adventure, and relaxation, creating memories that last a lifetime!


■ BOND-BBT MBA英語セミナー
『Bond-BBT MBAプログラムの現地教員が語るStudy Tour-Your Academic Adventure in Australia’s Gold Coast』


19:00~19:05 イントロダクション
19:05~19:50 セミナー(英語)
19:50~20:00 Q&A




【定員】30名 ※先着順


■ 講師プロフィール

Benjamin Hayden-Smith, Adjunct Teaching Fellow, School of Business.

MBA. Bachelor of Arts, Major in Economics, Minor in Japanese Economic Studies and Japanese

Ben has done post graduate research in the areas of social entrepreneurship, finance and sustainability. He has a background in management consulting where he worked throughout Asia & Australia on projects including corporate finance, business advisory & change management. He has spent 5 years living & working in Japan where he worked on projects for companies like Kawasaki Heavy Industry & Philips Japan. He has done work in private equity including capital raising for Australian businesses. He is passionate about learning and enjoys being part of the faculty at the School of Business.



  • 現在、予定されている説明会はありません。