『Leadership Storytelling Workshop ~ストーリーテリングで人を動かす~』

ー 大前 研一
英語で、自分の考えや思いを効果的なストーリー(物語)として伝え、命令ではなく影響力によって人をリードする(動かす)ことを求められているあらゆるチーム・組織で働く方へ。BBTエグゼクティブ研修センター「ATAMIせかいえ」にて100%英語によるストーリーテリングを学ぶ集中研修「Leadership Storytelling Workshop」を開催いたします。
“’We value integrity,’ means nothing. But tell a story about a former employee who hid his mistake and cost the company thousands, or a story about a salesperson who owned up to a mistake and earned so much trust her company doubled his order, and you begin to teach an employee what integrity means.”
― Annette Simmons
“As soon as you move one step up from the bottom, your effectiveness depends on your ability to reach others through the spoken or the written word.”
― Peter Drucker
ATAMI せかいえ
■ 『Leadership Storytelling Workshop
【日時】10月19日(金)・20日(土)(下記Sample Schedule参照)
【会場】ATAMIせかいえ(〒413-0002 静岡県熱海市伊豆山269-1)
<アクセス> 東京 → 熱海(JR東海道新幹線)約40分
【講師】Mr. Andrew Abbey/Ms. Angela Ortiz(下記Instructors参照)
・BBT大学院およびBOND-BBT MBA在学生・修了生
■ Sample Schedule
■ Day 1
10:30-11:30 Opening lecture
11:30-12:30 Pair work
12:30-14:00 Lunch
14:00-14:30 Instructor led session
14:30-16:00 Group work
16:00-17:00 Presentation
17:00-18:00 Instructor feedback
19:00-20:30 Dinner
■ Day 2
9:00- 9:30 Instructor led session
9:30-11:00 Group work
11:00-12:30 Final presentation and feedback*
*Prize for best story
■ Instructors
Andrew Abbey/アンドリュー・アビー
Andy is a professor at Kenichi Ohmae Graduate School of Business, lecturing to MBA candidates on Global Business Communications. He is the co-founder and CEO of Platinum Training Consultants K.K. He has spent most of his working life in international environments, first as an expatriate tax advisor for Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu and KPMG in London, New York and Sydney before moving to Japan in 2002.
“The course will be fun, interactive, and will offer a great opportunity to build relationships.”
Angela Marie Ortiz/アンジェラ・オルティス
Angela is an American-Colombian, long-term resident of Japan. Raised in northern Japan, she has lived over 13 years in Tokyo as an Educator, Humanitarian Aid Coordinator and CSR professional. She is currently the Senior Manager of CSR business development for adidas Japan, and is the founder of community building NPO, Place To Grow. Angela is a mother and an avid student of marketing, history and culture. She is passionate about connecting communities, volunteering & sustainable development.
“Sekaie is the ideal environment for this kind of course, offering the perfect opportunity to refresh yourself, open your mind, and free your thinking. Come and join us – let’s share some stories!”