ベンチャー企業にとって継続的な資金調達は会社を存続していくための重要な要素であり、初期段階・成長段階を問わず貪欲に資金注入をしていくことが必要です。しかし事業の継続年数によって調達手段が制限されている、または調達が困難であるのが現状です。この科目では、ベンチャー企業のそれぞれのステージ(seed; prototype; rapid-growth; moderate-growth; mezzanine; and acquisitions and merger)において適切な資金調達の方法と財務分析手法について学びます。
Benjamin Hayden-Smith
Adjunct Teaching Fellow, School of Business.
MBA. Bachelor of Arts, Major in Economics, Minor in Japanese Economic Studies and Japanese
Ben has done post graduate research in the areas of social entrepreneurship, finance and sustainability. He has a background in management consulting where he worked throughout Asia & Australia on projects including corporate finance, business advisory & change management. He has spent 5 years living & working in Japan where he worked on projects for companies like Kawasaki Heavy Industry & Philips Japan. He has done work in private equity including capital raising for Australian businesses. He is passionate about learning and enjoys being part of the faculty at the School of Business.